well i was talking with one of my friends about what we would like to do for college and i asked him if i should become a physicist or a musician and to answer my question (not really) he asked me back what i think he should become a director or a physicist. he said that me asking him that aroused the question in himself. he said that it hadn't been a question for himself because he figured he could do more by being a physicist. and so i asked him how good he was a t directing movies and what not and he said that he was decently good for the amount of training he had (none). we talked a little while and then got to the fact that you cant make a good movie or clip without music, and its kind of illegal to sell a movie with other peoples copyrighted songs. Because i wanted to be a musician and play a lot of instruments we decided i could make the songs and music for his movies/clips. So the end of that long prelude and the point is that now i am to help youtube.com/jeffin8tor make movies be creating playing and enlisting help in the making of them. and as we decided i get 50% of all profits after expenses on movies i create music for.