Tuesday, December 13, 2011

World War One and Erich Maria Remarque

In the beginning there was only space, (and man, earth, beasts and everything else). However, in 1914 the First World War started. Erich Maria Remarque was born on July 22 1898. Erich was 16 when the First World War started. Because the war lasted for four years, he had an excellent opportunity to join the war at the prime of his life. The great opportunity of going to war also gave him his background and ideas that would be expressed more than 15 years later in one of his most famous novels Im Westen nichts Neues. Now for those of us who are not fluent in German that roughly means The Western Front. However the title in English has been changed to All Quiet On The Western Front which is an ironic bending of one of the later lines in the book. His background and what he had done in his life to the point where he wrote All Quiet on the Western Front very strongly influenced his writings of the book.

            Erich Maria Remarque was a great man. This simple yet profound statement, leads us to ask ourselves what is true greatness and that is where the profoundness is spawned from. In the case of Erich, his greatness springs from the interesting view point of World War One. Rarely is a war looked at by the eyes of the losers, because well they lost. However, Erich is not a common person. He grew up moving eleven times and when he turned sixteen one of the two great wars this world has ever seen occurred..(Encyclopedia of age and war) World War One was a trench war. There was always troops in the trenches and the war was constantly being fought for four years on a ginormous border line. However Erich never actually saw the war. The most exciting thing he ever did in the war was drag his dead friend's body back to the infirmary. He constantly got leave because his mother had cancer. Finally he was hit with three bits of shrapnel sending him into the infirmaries for the rest of the war (Authors And Artists For Young Adults). The fact that he never really was in the war is very interesting, it makes one wonder how many people were like this and not actually in the war. It is not very surprising that a man who grew up essentially during the war who had interests in art would write a book about all the fallacies of the war and the way he saw it. In this way there is an undeniable connection to Erich Maria Remarque's life and his writings. However it could also be said that there isn’t a connection because he didn’t actually fight in the war. That is for every man in his own mind to decide.
           As I mentioned earlier, Erich had to carry the body of one of his friends out of battle thinking that he was still alive. When he got there, one of the orderlies told him the man was not still alive. Throughout the entirety of the book his view point on death and how terrible it is is expressed continually. At the beginning, it speaks of how there are only four left of their class of men that came to the battle front. In the middle of the book the narrator is saying; “stacked up against its longer side (a school house) is a high double wall of yellow, unpolished, brand new coffins. . . . 'That's a good preparation for the offensive'” (Remarque 98). This scene is as the men are coming back to the front where the head honchos have devised that the men in the front will go on an offensive against the other side. If one was to see a wall of coffins prepared for one that would absolutely scare one, especially if one knew that their side was about to make a go against the enemy. Erich took the war hard although he was “Discharged from the army as a private, he nonetheless took to parading the streets of his hometown in the uniform of a lieutenant, bedecked with medals” ( Biography in context). His disillusionment towards the military is very visible in his novel. He constantly speaks of the horrors of the war and how terrible boot camp.
       In the end, Erich Maria Remarque was unequivocally against the war and makes it obvious throughout his books. He constantly makes fun of the German officials and could care less for the ways of war. He makes known the horrors of war even though none of them he saw. He was a great, distraught man.

Works Cited
"Erich Maria Remarque." Authors and Artists for Young Adults. Vol. 27. Gale, 1999.Gale Biography In Context. Web. 30 Nov. 2011.
"Erich Maria Remarque." Europe Since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction. Ed. Web. 30 Nov. 2011.
John Merriman and Jay Winter. Detroit: Charles Scribner's Sons, 2007. Gale Biography InContext. Web. 30 Nov. 2011.
Remarque, Erich Maria. All Quiet on the Western Front. New York: Ballantine, 1982. Print.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

boise school district levy

hey send this to everyone you know that can vote


Boise School District Supplemental Maintenance and Operation Levy
ElectionTuesday, March 13, 2012How much is the District asking for in
the supplemental levy?· The amount of the supplemental levy is $14
million. If approved, the levy would be in place for 5 years andcost
the average homeowner less than $7.00 a month (based on the average
home value in Ada County of$165,000 with the homeowner's exemption).
100% of the revenue from successful passage of the levy will beused to
maintain low class sizes and preserve quality student programs, not
administrative costs.What will the supplemental levy do?· Maintain
student class sizes at current levels, avoiding increases of 4 to 6
students per classroom.· Retain District teaching staff, avoiding the
potential loss of over 200 teachers and numerous ancillary
andclassified personnel.· Cover a projected ongoing $15 million
deficit beginning the 2012-13 school year.Why do we need the
supplemental levy?· Projected District revenues will decline by $35
million from $201 million in 2008-09 to $166 million by2012-13.
District revenue has not been as low as $166 million since 2000-01.·
This projected reduction in revenue is the result of a decline in
state funding of $23 million (Legislative cutsand Students Come First
law) and a decline of $12.2 million from local property tax revenue.·
In addition to revenue losses, increased on-going expenditures in the
areas of fuel, transportation, and healthinsurance are expected to
exceed $2 million by 2012-13.What District budget cuts have already
been made?· $22 million in cuts have been made over the last three
years, including:FY10-12 Administration Position Reductions $
2,080,178FY10-11 Instructional Position Reductions $ 4,002,626FY10-12
Non-Instructional Reductions $ 6,633,085FY10-11 Furlough Days (3 days)
$ 2,106,000FY11-12 Furlough Days (2 days) $ 1,400,000FY12-13 Furlough
Days (3 days) $ 2,106,000FY10-11 Salary Freeze/Retirement Savings $
1,300,000FY11-12 Salary Freeze/Retirement Savings $ 1,300,000FY09-11
Transportation Reductions $ 540,512FY10-12 Facilities & Operations
Budget Reduction $ 460,000Total $21,928,401What about using the
District's rainy-day fund?· The District used a majority of the
Undesignated Fund Balance saved for tough economic times by the
Boardof Trustees to balance the 2011-12 budget. In addition, the money
received from the State in July ($5.1million) will be used over a
period of 5 years to reduce the amount of the supplemental levy from
$15 millionto $14 million.What do we get for our tax money?· Boise
School District remains one of the highest-performing school districts
in Idaho, the region, and thenation.· 57% of Boise School District
graduates attend college (statewide it's 46%).· 83% of Boise School
District graduates advance from freshman to sophomore year in
college.· Our students outperform Idaho and the nation on standardized
achievement tests, college entrance exams(ACT and SAT), and Advanced
Placement (AP) testing.· Our AP program is one of only 388 in the
nation to make the distinguished AP National Achievement List.Boise
School District enrolls 8.5% of Idaho's students, but administers 36%
of AP exams statewide, and had21% of Idaho's National Merit
semi-finalists in 2010-11.· All four of our traditional high schools
are listed among America's top high schools by the Washington
Post.Learn more under News and Events at www.boiseschools.orgWho may
vote in the March 13, 2012 supplemental levy election?· U. S. citizens
who have been residents of the Boise School District for at least 30
days and are 18 years of ageor over may vote in the election. Polls
are open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, March 13, 2012. You maylocate
your polling location and learn about absentee balloting at
http://www.idahovotes.gov/AbsenteeBallot/Default.aspx or call the Ada
County Elections Office at 287-6860. 9-12-2011
Erhvia Aemxi
suicide is never an option

Thursday, December 1, 2011


so tommorow im going to write a speal about mugle quidditch but i have to much homework today

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I've been slacking off as always.

But it's not my fault!

I plan on writing stuff
And even come up with material!

But every time I get on the computer I end up reading manga.
For Hours.

Yeah, I'm a huge Otaku

Recently it's been
"The World God Only Knows"

The protagonist reminds me of me
a lot

I'd give it
350 out of 370 PFPs

Maybe I'll tell you about Bronies later this week.

I won't commit to anything though.
We've all seen how that's been turning out.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

creeper world

so i discovered this really cool game called creeper world its pretty frakin amazing and you all should go play it it takes like on hour to play a full game so dont come unless your ready for some serious stuff

Monday, November 21, 2011



I'll do it over break....

Am I a terrible person?

Feel free to post in the comments..

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Learn Chinese in 5 minutes! (say it out loud ;D )

Photograph of the Dai Temple on the foot of Mo...Image via Wikipedia

Get Talking Chinese1. That's not right
Chinese For Dummies
(Sum Ting Wong)

2. See me ASAP
(Kum Hia Nao)

3. Small horse
(Tai Ni Po Ni)


4. You need a face lift
tu fat)

5. I thought you were on a diet
(Wai Yu Mun Ching)

6. He"s cleaning the car
(Wa Shing Ka)

7. Your body odor is offensive
(Yu Stin Ki Pu)

8. This is a tow away zone
(No Pah King)

9. Great!
(Fa Kin Su Pah)

Enhanced by Zemanta

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Band what it teaches you in life

so today i figured something out, well i suppose i should start at the beginning. first off yesterday in band we had a playing test and well lets just say i bombed it, i play the french horn in concert band (go french horns!). and well ya so i bombed it, i bombed it not because i hadn't prepared sufficiently but because i get nervous for no apparent reason. i could play the tune we were playing perfectly with great musical ability and what not but i get nervous. i don't get mentally nervous i am perfectly okay mentally to take the test, i just lose control of my body. for example if any of you reading this play the french horn you know hard partials are, for those of you that don't know anything about music, a partial is the different notes you can play on a brass instrument with out pushing down any buttons which is all based on how fast your lips buzz. anyways, because i get physically nervous i lose my fine tuned control over my lungs and therefore can not control my partials which is already hard on a french horn. anyways the test was crappy because i couldn't control my partials. and for the whole day i was distressed because i screwed up on the test, i was disappointed in myself and i dint prove to my band director that im good. i had talked the entire year so far about how good i am and i am i just get nervous so i let him down and everyone else that knew how much i talked myself up. but today i realized it dosnt matter as much for the group how you play the solo as when you play the whole work with everyone. well thats my little deep thought for the week come back again ya hear!

Monday, November 14, 2011


so today in English class our teacher at the beginning showed us one of the animusic videos. and well it was totally one of the coolest things i have ever seen cause i mean seriously animated robots beating out a rhythm on made up instruments and set ups well its pretty awesome. but i was thinking, because i do a lot of online / computer audio work. I have used both audiotool.com and beatlab.com. Audiotool has an intresting concept of great user interface and it is very professional. Beatlab on the other hands interface isnt all that great but the ability to record your own sounds and then create the rhythm for them and use thousands of other ones made by another person is great. Then there is animusic, its unconventional way of presenting music is genius. What i would like to do is combine the different aspects of the three and sell the product for a modest price and have a free online version.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


so ive been super jacked about skyrim forever but only today did i realize i dont have the money gahhhhhhhhhh life sucks as a teenager without a job. then even worse i went to download my old oblivion disk on my new windows 7 computer and it says it isnt a valid win32 application so ive spent the last two days figuring it out so now im copying the discs files to a folder and im going to  hope thatll work

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This blog is about to get 20% cooler

No, I will not be spamming ponies

But this weekend expect to see
a post explaining Bronies

I will attempt to stay as neutral and factual
as possibru

This is all for now


(I decided to give fair warning to Andrew and
anyone else who may read the blog
just to give you guys some options)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


just had to post this imeadiatly everyone should go watch this it is amazing

JOB(pulls arm in at 90 degree angle with hand in fist in a fast motion(sort of))

well i was talking with one of my friends about what we would like to do for college and i asked him if i should become a physicist or a musician and to answer my question (not really) he asked me back what i think he should become a director or a physicist. he said that me asking him that aroused the question in himself. he said that it hadn't been a question for himself because he figured he could do more by being a physicist. and so i asked him how good he was a t directing movies and what not and he said that he was decently good for the amount of training he had (none). we talked a little while and then got to the fact that you cant make a good movie or clip without music, and its kind of illegal to sell a movie with other peoples copyrighted songs. Because i wanted to be a musician and play a lot of instruments we decided i could make the songs and music for his movies/clips. So the end of that long prelude and the point is that now i am to help youtube.com/jeffin8tor make movies be creating playing and enlisting help in the making of them. and as we decided i get 50% of all profits after expenses on movies i create music for. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Fwd: so yah im posting in the morning

This will be my first post using the over email posting system blogger
has set up. I'm excited today, there's a lot of opportunities for days
like today, cause its a Monday! so yah but whatever. You can make a
lot of impressions and do a lot on mondays. but whatever so yah carpe
diem seize the day don't dread it just because its a monday
Erhvia Aemxi
suicide is never an option

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Well I'm Back

Andrew wanted to start posting again.

"Ok, whatever"

It's an odd day and...um...uh...

Well I'm Back. Okay

I should start posting in Haikus!


parents and their children

So i wanted to say hi again and just say that kids would love their parents so much more if parents stopped using the I'm your parent and i said so excuse as why we should do something cause then we would probably be more willing to do it.i know that that is true for all aspects of my life, if someone just tells me to do something i don't want to do it because well I'm strong headed, However if they give me a good reason to do something ill be willing to do it. i don't know if maybe that concept is just to hard for someone to wrap their head around but seriously come on. so yah what do you think?

Friday, November 4, 2011

so i wanted to say hello

hello i havnt been on hear in forever and well i know no one is reading because i just checked the stats but it is proven that people will read even if they havnt been just if you post something so yah this is me posting something

Friday, July 22, 2011


No! I forgot about this again!
And today's not even odd!

But I guess it's kind of comforting that Andrew hasn't been doing much better.

I guess I'm back on track and will be posting regularly again for a while!

Maybe I'll do some doodles or something..


Friday, July 15, 2011


so i got vindictus awhile back its not all that bad but even on my one month old laptop it ran so slow, i killed all the graphics and it was still a snails pace. my internet connection was fine. i dont like how there is only four character types you can choose from but i guess thats the premise of the game. its got an interesting way of doing battles. i would give it a 3 out of 5 stars. barely i personally dont like it.

Monday, June 27, 2011


I haven't posted in a while
sorry guys

I drew this little comic on my thoughts on
living an easy and drama-free life

Hope you guys like it and learn from it!

So basically,
Brutal, yet polite honesty is how
I get by without drama

Feel free to comment your thoughts!


Friday, June 17, 2011


so yeah I need to write I mean I haven't written in a few weeks and well you know you guys don't come read our blog unless their is something new to read. so hi how are you yahhhhhhhhh. . .

so im going to challenge you to all go and read my friends blog called so complex it  is really deep, well from a high schooler's point of view maybe not an adult unless that adult is a single female.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Game Review!!! Starwish

Neither of us have posted in a while 
(this is not looking good)

But I've decided to continue posting once again!

So a new flash game came out recently. It's called Starwish

This game is a Side-scrolling RPG Shooter

And I will be grading it out of 100 colorful party hats!

So you play as a character named Deuce.
He's a space pirate guy, but around the end you end up trying to save the universe from a giant monster.

You buy new weapons, upgrade your ship and your character, and talk with the crew on the ship.

This is one of my favorite flash games.
The story line has enough depth to become a movie or something
 and the gameplay is smooth enough that we should be paying to play this.

I award Starwish 98 out of 100 Colorful party hats!!

That's about it for today!


Friday, June 3, 2011

School is fin!

Fin means end

So school is finally over!

This means that I get to go follow my dreams for a couple months before fall arrives


Dream #1
Teach myself guitar! The only problem is that I need to buy one first. I almost have half of the money I need to buy one from a pawn shop!

Dream #2
Make a song! I say make rather than write because I intend to make some electronic pop or something. (the keyboard, remember?)

Dream #3
Make and publish a T-shirt! When I do I'll make a link in one of my posts

Dream #4
Sorta goes with Dream #3, but I need to become proficient at Adobe Illustrator in order to make the T.

That's about it then!


P.S. Andrew! You missed a post!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I forgot that I had to post twice in a row yesterday!!
(I have odd days and it went from 31 to 1)

To make up for it, I drew this porcupine with paint.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Game Review!!! Sanctum

Here's the deal. I'm going to rate this game out of  100 cups of cereal.

Why cups of cereal? Well basically because that is what I happen to be eating at the moment.
(I rate Honey and Oat Blenders to be 87 /100 cups of cereal. It's not the best, but it's definitely worth the price)

So Sanctum is a First Person Shooter/Tower Defense game.
It was an original idea and about 15 dollars on Steam, so I  figured I'd give it a try.
(All pictures are my own screenshots)

So you start out with a certain amount of money or "resources" as they are called in this game.
And your primary goal is to defend your sanctum

to do this you have to build mazes of towers.
Upgrading my Anti Air Tower
The issue, is that you also have 3 guns. A machine gun that also shoots grenades, a sniper rifle, and a freeze gun.

It doesn't sound like an issue at first, but you need to find a balance between the two in order to successfully defeat all monsters

The reason that you'd upgrade guns is
1. To snipe enemies before they get to your maze
2. weakspots

All monsters have a flashing red area that does much more damage when shot. You can tell by the red damage numbers that pop out when you hit them right.

Now that I've properly explained this game, I officially give it 92/100 cups of cereal!!!

I guess that's it for this odd day

Enhanced by Zemanta

Monday, May 30, 2011

stick it to the man (title of essay para 3)

iz now time for ze better part of zis essay the part about ze humble inventor who saw hi screatin abused slandered, mistaken, and broken. ze russian war machine. we, just like ze humble constructor trurl are burdened wiz ze thought that our invention intended to make the world better was misinturpretted by a petty fool. Americans (spit) ih how i wished zat our invention was never abused. but luckily for ze proud democratic Americans (spit) ze motherland yea even zxat freat nation russia will step up and be ze betterman and end dis petty quarrel.

yah i dont know where this paragraph was actually supposed to be going cause as you can tell it quite literally sucks

Saturday, May 28, 2011

stick it to the man (title of essay para 2)

first off ze mad man machine abuser is America (spit). so as is quite obvious deez Americans (spit) are ruiners of our modern world. Dey take deez things and abuse them trying to destroy ze world, we lost every last zit! Because of their trying to take over our machine. ze stupid Americans (spit) need to stop trying to beat us, we have more nuclear warheads ITS A FACT!

so yeah this is definitely not my best writing it comes from the beginning of the year and well I don't understand it very much.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Musical Electric Keyboard

So we (as in my family, not Andrew and I) found this musical electric keyboard!

It was hidden deep within the depths of my garage!

I can't even begin to imagine the possibilities!
But I'll name a few anyway, just for fun


Everyone knows that that guy walking down the street with a keyboard in his left hand and a pitch-pipe in his back pocket is pro. Therefore, Me + Keyboard = Pro


It's not very flat, but there were some boxes on it before. So I don't see why not

3. Weapon

I'm a teenaged boy of immaturity. I think we all saw this one coming. So, let's say that a cougar pounces through your window and starts eating your food! Well the keyboard is an obvious choice to make it leave without killing it, but also ensuring that it won't come back.


This is the most likely outcome! Song writing, learning theme songs, and epic beats are all awesome and very possible possibilities!

This is the end of this post!


P.S. I don't blog on Sundays

Thursday, May 26, 2011

stick it to the man (title of essay para 1)

so quick intro again I'm Andrew the founder of the blog (a.k.a. Manfromidaho) and since school is over I'm going to post my essays paragraph by paragraph every even day. ok this essay is about a poem/story of how the world lost its color with a machine a man created and im comparing it to the cold war, with a slightly russian accent (more german than russian but whatever)

      Ey dis story is a very close to me i identifies with it in many, many ways. obviously ze constructor trurl is the great Russian leaders, Kapuchious is the hated american busy body who is trying to destroy ze motherland. ze Russian and american (spit) peoples are ze machine, forced into oppresive actions to fufil the made rage of the two constructors.

so this was my first essay so i wasnt very good yet so yah dont blame me
FirefoxScreenSnapz007.jpgImage by sharonmleon via Flickr

Enhanced by Zemanta

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


There are gonna be improvements made on this blog. And I'm the first one!

I'm called Daniel, Dan, Dan Teh Man, Dan The Man, Danny, Danny Boy, D, Big D, Little D, Mfeh,  aBucketOfPuppies, or if you unscramble all the letters right, Lord Voldemort

So the other guy (I'm not sure if he's ok with me revealing his name) asked if I wanted to help with his blog. and I was all, "Sure!"

So now I'm going to blog odd days while he blogs even.

I just wanted this to be made known before I make my first real post (this is an introduction). I'm going to lie. 
A lot.

So when I say "I have a signed letter from a president of the United Sates!" You can assume that this is false. (even though I really do)

On the other hand, when I say " I give the game/song/movie/food/picture/natural disaster 5 out of 5 figurative stars!" You can assume that it will be true.

I guess that's a good enough intro...


Monday, April 25, 2011

love song first verse and chorus

if i told you i loved you

would you, would you tell me it back

if i told you i loved you

would you never talk again

if i told you i loved you

would you tell me later which we all know means never


if i told you i loved you would live for me

if i tiold you i loved you would you believe me

if i told you i loved you i would die for you

if i told, you

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

sugar sugar

sugar sugar is a strategic game where you have to draw lines directing "sugar" into some mugs. in the beginning levels their is only one color. After level 7 or so you then get two colors. the sugar has to go through a filter to go in the cup. however only the color of the mug sugar can be used to fill it up. on level five i think it gives you a button that changes the gravity.

      i find this game incredibly boring considering you have to wait for enough sugar to come out, i do not recommend it unless you are into long puzzle type games.

Monday, March 14, 2011

i stunt 2

just a quick review of this game but its not bad. its a good sports game for people that like that kind of stuff. I personally like action and strategy games. but it is a fresh new idea from what I've played before. 4 out of 5

Friday, March 11, 2011

japan tsunami

well you've obviously already heard about the Japanese tsunami and if you haven't, well watch some news TV man. but ya, i feel sorry for the people that lost loved ones my prayers go out to you and I hope everyone ells is prayers do too.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

one week lyrics by the bare naked ladies, this is the best song ever

It's been one week since you looked at me
Cocked your head to the side and said I'm angry
Five days since you laughed at me saying
Get that together come back and see me
Three days since the living room
I realized it's all my fault but couldn't tell you
Yesterday, you'd forgiven me
But it'll still be two days till I say I'm sorry

Hold it now and watch the hood wink
As I make you stop think
You'll think you're looking at aqua man
I summon fish to the dish although I like the Chalet Swiss
I like the Sushi 'cause it's never touched a frying pan
Hot like Wasabe when I bust rhymes
Big like Leann Rimes
Because I'm all about value
Bert Kaempfert's got the mad hits
You try to match wits, you try to hold me but I bust through
Gonna make a break and take a fake
I'd like a stinkin' achin' shake
I like vanilla, it's the finest of the flavors
Gotta see the show 'cause then you'll know
The vertigo is gonna grow
'Cause it's so dangerous
You'll have to sign a waiver

How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad?
Trying hard not to smile though I feel bad
I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral
Can't understand what I mean? Well, you soon will
I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve
I have a history of taking off my shirt

It's been one week since you looked at me
Threw your arms in the air and said you're crazy
Five days since you tackled me
I've still got the rug burns on both my knees
It's been three days since the afternoon
You realized it's not my fault not a moment too soon
[From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/b/barenaked-ladies-lyrics/one-week-lyrics.html]
Yesterday, you'd forgiven me
And now I sit back and wait till you say you're sorry

Chickity China of the Chinese chicken
You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickin'
Watchin' X files with no lights on
We're dans la maison
I hope the smoking man's in this one
Like Harrison Ford I'm getting frantic
Like Sting I'm Tantric
Like snickers guaranteed to satisfy
Like Kurasawa I make mad films
Okay, I don't make films
But if I did they'd have a Samurai
Gonna get a set of better clubs
Gonna find the kind with tiny nubs
Just so my irons aren't always flying off the back swing
Gotta get in tune with sailor moon
'Cause the cartoon has got the boom Anime Babes
That make me think the wrong thing

How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad?
Tryin' hard not to smile though I feel bad
I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral
Can't understand what I mean?
Well, you soon will
I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve
I have a history of losing my shirt

It's been one week since you looked at me
Dropped your arms to your sides and said I'm sorry
Five days since I laughed at you and said
You just did just what I thought you were gonna do
Three days since the living room
We realized we're both to blame
But what could we do?
Yesterday, you just smiled at me
'Cause it'll still be two days till we say we're sorry

It'll still be two days till we say we're sorry
It'll still be two days till we say we're sorry
Birch mount stadium, home of the Robbie


Emit ruoy detsiaw tsuj I ahahahahawm

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

rock paper sisscors strategies

Rock, Paper, Scissors: Game Theory in Everyday Life
The Official Rock Paper Scissors Strategy GuideNEVER PLAY THE SAME HAND TWICE, AND THEY WILL NEVER PLAY THE SAME HAND TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rock, Paper, ScissorsThe fact of the matter is that most people like to stay what the saying goes, you go rock (rock as a hand) paper (rock) scissors (rock) most people stay rock, so you always want to open with paper. but if your playing someone who is good they will anticipate this move so you have to counter with rock. because they'll play scissors.  if you win threw paper expect them to play anything but rock, if they are more intelligent they will play paper if they're less intelligent they will play  scissors, which you must then decide to either play paper or scissors, or you could always choose the safe position of scissors, in which you will either win or it will be a stalemate for that round. since you had just played probally scissors and they either stalemated or lost you can expect them to play rock, in which you will play paper, the only down side to this is that if they are smart they will play the same thing twice resulting in you losing once. by this time the score should be at a minimum 2-1 in favor of you, now everyhand has been played so the  above stated rule no longer applies, you must now take whatever they played last and play it unless they played scissors last, because then you would be playing scissors and the easiest hand to make is rock so they will automatically go to that position. if you havnt one by know you must make one final move, and that is paper, for the above stated rule the mind automatically goes to the easiest position, which is always rock or paper.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


love is long term
love is short term
love is the way I feel towards you
love is how the world knows what to do
love brings nations and people together
love is a thing spared from none
love is the way two magnets of opposite poles are attracted
love is how the world should be viewed
love is the affection caused when one sees the most beautiful being ever
love is the way I see you
love is how the world goes round
love is the savior against pure evil
love is wonderful
love is never consistent
love is my driving force
whats yours?Other People's Love Letters: 150 Letters You Were Never Meant to See
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Monday, March 7, 2011

couple of answers to questions on to kill a mockingbird

1. American naturalism. when considering that american naturilism is characterized by man abusing other men (racism) oppresion of other races and lower classes (racism) open description of previosly taboo subject matter. All of these topics are fufilled throughout the book. men abusing other men, atticus says it himself when making his final statment. he makes it very clear that the first few witnesses, the ewells testified on the complete confidence that the jurey would take their word over the negro tomrobinson in court. this also applies to the second theme. and then their is the open pages of description of the supposed rape according to the ewells. and then in the final few chapters it disccuses murder with out a single flinch.

2. racismim is one of the those fundemental things you are either taught about not taught or avidly taught against it as a child. so if one child is taught that racism is correct s/he will teach their children, and until they learn otherwise they believe its correct and will continue to repreduce chldren who will live in the dark. on the other hand however if your taught as a child proactivley that racism is bad and all humans ar4e egual then you will practively try to tell others the error of their ways. so far those who have been taught that it is an illogical and incorrect way of thinking have prevailed and since the end of segregation we have come so far as to have almost no cases of racism. however there wil always be the extremists who will not budge on their positions at all. i believe that their is no way to end racism because men will always see those of the same race and will trust those of other races less. however we have come very far so far that we barely recognize or steryotype others of a different race. and raciism is not strictly against blacks, and there is no such thing as reverse racism, while people still think those two things are true there will always be to much racism.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

once in a blue moon (my english short story)

    Wow I think to myself. I notice the roof crushing the heavy duty cell door. I just woke up, to a large thud. I squeeze myself out of the gap created due to the heavy three feet of concrete and steel falling on the steel cell door. As I get out I look around; there is a lot of cement and a few dead guards that were smashed by some cinderblocks that must have fallen. Rocks block the doorway to freedom on the left, so I begin to take myself down the right hand passage. Moving toward the end of the hall, I notice another cracked cell door like mine on the far wall. As I peer into it, I notice my friend Fujimoto Izumi in the cell lying unconscious. My footsteps take me over to her body.
    “Fujimoto!” I yell at her unconscious body. I notice some water next to her in a cup. I throw the water on her,and she wakes up.
    “Who are you?” she screams in astonishment. “Wait, is that really you, Yamashita?”
    “Yes, it is me.” I say. She jumps up and hugs me to death.
    “Wait, how did you get out of your cell, and why is my cell door smashed?” she asks inquisitively.
    I reply, “I don’t know, but I believe it may have had something to do with a very large earthquake.” I then instantly notice the trickle of water coming from the corner of her cell. “Do you remember when we first came here?” I ask.
    “No?” she responds.
   “Do you remember taking a submarine to get here? I think we are underwater and this facility has a crack in it. we need to leave before it fills up with water.” I state while pointing at the trickle of water. “Let’s go.” We instantly begin to move. Due to the fact of the other hall
being blocked, there is only one route to take. As we continue on, there are luckily no major obstructions. The hall continues to go one way and has no tributaries to its course. Eventually we enter a circular glass structure. Up above us we notice that we are only 300 meters or so from the surface and to the left of us maybe 300 meters away from a land mass. As we go down the glass structure, it abruptly turns into stairs at a 45 degree angle upwards. Then suddenly we come upon a room; again cement and it is leaking.
    “Wait Fujimoto, is that a submarine?” I ask while pointing to the opposite end of the thirty square foot room,
    “Why yes Yamashita,” she states “it is a submarine. Do you think you can maneuver it up to the surface?” Fujimoto asks me.
    “I don’t know if I can.” I simply state. “But due to the condition of this place I think I better try.” I reported to my partner in crime and long time friend as I look around the room and back down the hallway that we have spent 4 years of our life in. I walk over and look at the area that contains the small four person submarine. I look around trying to figure out how I will get the submarine out of this dreaded place. Then I see it; the floor opens as the submarine is suspended from a crane. Luckily for us, the crane is already attached. “Fujimoto see the crane. It suspends the submarine as the floor moves out and then lowers it down into the water.”
    “Yeah, I see it. What about it?” she asks in a quizzical manner.
    “We have to have a person to operate the floor and the crane if we want to get this  submarine out of here.” I stated. We both sit in thought trying to figure out a way to get it to work, because this is our only way out.
    “Wait Fujimoto, could we take the dead guard's body over there next to the buttons and have him hold them both down?” I state in an epiphany of ecstatic joy.
    “Would that work?” she poses to me with her cautionary attitude.
    “I don’t know but it’s at least something to try. Go get in the submarine. Ill run over there as soon as I get it hooked. Up leave the top open for me.” I replied.
    “Ok we’ll try it.” She says indignantly as she saunters over to the life vessel for us. As soon as she is in the submarine I went over to the dead guard’s body and moved the rock which had hit his head off of his body. The buttons were all confusing. They said things like “Open”, “Hatch”, “Door”, “Crane up”, “Crane down”, and “Call mainland.” These mean nothing to me due to the fact that I am Japanese and don’t understand English which is what these words appear to be; at least I think they are called words. I put his two lifeless hands on the buttons to try out what they all do. When I press "Open" down nothing happen. When I press "Hatch" the floor began to move, so I know that was the right button.  I press "Door" nothing happens. I press "Crane up", and the submarine begins to move up. Then I press "Crane down" and the submarine moves down. I now know which two buttons to put the guards body on. I subsequently get his body onto the “Hatch” button and the “Crane down” button. As I set his body on the two buttons I begin to sprint. Leg in front of leg pulsing muscles, a machine made of thousands of years of evolution. Step after step the bulging muscles of my legs propel me onward to my ultimate goal of freedom. My mind recognizes the vault I will have to make to jump into
the submarine. The muscles of my legs are ready, then I let my quadriceps loose while
contracting my hamstring muscles then the complete opposite to hurl my body through the air, hoping to make it into the small hole to keep me alive and to get out of this dump.  I land right in the hole then reach up, and pull the latch shut behind me.
    “Yes!” I cheer. I look around and spot Fujimoto over at the front of the small vessel.
    “Great job, Yamashita!” she screams in a giddy ecstatic voice as she comes to hug me to death. She begins to smother me with her ecstatic joy of my wellbeing.
    “I need to learn how to maneuver this thing, so we can get it off the hook.” I state in an air of indignant obedience. As I saunter over to the captain’s seat where there are hundreds of buttons, everywhere. I look for the levers that will undoubtedly do everything for this annoying vessel. The levers to control this underwater craft are right where I expect them to be, right in the front next to the four direction control handle.
“Stop messing around and get yourself strapped in.” I point out as she looks at all the buttons. I quickly buckle myself into the series of restraints to keep me safe, and Fujimoto does the same. I turn the engines on and wait for the submarine to be fully engulfed in the water. One quarter of the way there, half way there, three quarters of the way there, all the way there. The instant we are fully submerged, I move the submarine up so that it gains some slack on the cable. It eventually comes off and I begin to try to move it to the surface. Luckily it is fairly simple, largely due to the fact that there is nothing within 100 meters except for the jail we just exited. I quickly move away from the jail so that there is no chance that I can hit it. I pull the lever for moving the submarine upwards and we begin to move towards the surface. One minute passes, then ten, then thirty; we are almost at the surface.
We touch surface.
“Yah!” I yell as soon as we break the surface. 
“Good job!” she squeals in excitement. She quickly gets out of her straps while I do the same and she comes over and hugs me. We hug for a few seconds, we go over to the hatch and open the top of it and get our bearings on where we are. Mainland Japan is right out in front of us and china is behind us.
“So Fujimoto, would you rather go to Japan in ten minutes or risk going to China hoping we have enough fuel?” I ask unknowing of which would be better.
"We should go to the Japanese mainland because the Chinese mainland is so far away.” She states hoping that I would agree with her.
“To Japan we go.” I state. We went down into the submarine and turned the forward thrusters on and wait.
Twenty minutes later we arrive at mainland Japan. Luckily there is no one there to arrest us immediately, again. You would think there would be due to the fact that we are mass murderers; I mean killing thirty seven people is bad stuff. By the terrain and relative climate I think we had landed a little north of the Oga peninsula that juts out in the northern part of Japan. We begin a trudge into the large island country of Japan hoping that no one will recognize us as fugitives; after all we need food and supplies and the only way to get those are through buying them at stores. 
“How should we go about getting the basic supplies we need to survive?” I ask hoping she would have an answer for my query.
“Well considering we are a 100 meters from the city I think we should just walk in and
hope that no one recognizes us.” Fujimoto comments as if this is the only possible way for us to go about doing it. I agree with her so we walk into the city looking for people to pickpocket stuff from. The whole city is knocked down. It is as if the largest earthquake ever hit the land. The whole thing was just smashed to pieces and laying around in a state of disillusion.
“Fujimoto what happened?” I ask in a disconceted stupor.
“I don’t know Yamashita, but we need to get out of here though before something falls on you.” She says this just as a building falls down some more and a large cinderblock smashes right into her head killing her instantly. I run over to her body and sob while holding her head. My long time friend had been killed through a fluke accident. But I can't stay, because I might end up with her fate. After a few minutes I begin to trudg out, but lying on the ground is a newspaper. It read, “Tomorrow the moon will hit the earth, prepare yourself and do not be alarmed." then I heard a shifting of rocks. I look behind myself just in time to see the pile of rocks fall from their humble postion directly above me.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


If anyone actually decideds to get on and look at my site if you say a song and posibly give me a place i can get a free recording i will try to do it one man band style. if you have an idea just post in these comments and ill do it. the only limitations is no really bad explcit stuff.